Specialized staff offer counselling, assessments and individualized safety plans for women, experiencing abuse in their intimate relationships. Group support and individual counselling is available for women. Groups are offered for children who have witnessed family violence. The program offers specialized group services for perpetrators of partner assault. These are primarily for Court ordered clients. Group are negotiated per ability to pay. Non Court ordered referrals may participate in the program but most pay the full cost of the program fees.
712 Peel St, Woodstock
1-800-250-7010 ext. 380
www.casoxford.on.caWOODSTOCK GENERAL HOSPITALMental Health Services of Oxford County
Woodstock General Hospital offers both inpatient and outpatient services. Outpatient services include adult and child mental health programs. Self-referral or referral from your family physician. The services include psychiatric consultation; individual, group, family and marriage counselling.
310 Juliana Drive, Woodstock
www.wgh.on.ca/mental.htm ALEXANDRIA HOSPITAL
Offers both inpatient and outpatient services. Self-referral or referral from your family physician will enable access to the hospital’s services. The services include emergent care in the social support on an outpatient basis.
www.alexandriahospital.on.ca DOMESTIC ASSAULT SERVICES OF OXFORD
DASO offers a wide range of supportive services for women abused by an intimate partner. Services are free and confidential. Trained staff are available 24 hours a day and on our crisis line to assist with safety planning, offer support and referrals or just to talk about the abuse. Individual support is offered in Tillsonburg, Ingersoll and Norwich by appointment. A weekly women’s group is offered in Woodstock. Long-term support for women who have been sexually abused/assaulted is provided throughout the county.
975 James St, Woodstock