An evening with Jackson Katz, PhD on sports, pop-culture & creating male-allies for gendered equity
There has been recent media coverage around the issues of sexual violence within sports. On behalf of the Domestic Abuse Resource Team (DART) of Oxford County, we wanted to extend an invitation to a free upcoming community event titled, An Evening with Jackson Katz on Sports, Pop Culture and Creating Male-Allies for Gendered Equity. Jackson Katz, PhD has long been a major figure and thought leader in the growing global movement of men working to promote gender equality and prevent sexual assault and all types of harassment, abuse, and violence. He is co-founder of the multiracial, mixed-gender Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) program, one of the longest-running and most widely influential gender violence prevention programs in North America and beyond. MVP was the first large-scale prevention initiative in college and professional sports culture and in the U.S. military. MVP introduced “bystander” training to the sexual assault and domestic violence prevention fields; Katz is one of the early architects of this now broadly popular prevention approach.
To register click: Sports, pop culture & creating male allies for gendered equity Tickets, Thu, 17 Nov 2022 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite